I am writing you from my dark unfinished bedroom. Staring at the tan walls with caulk marks from where the previous owners filled in their nail holes. I promise we plan to paint. With my gorgeous vintage couch that is covered with clothes from the week that need to be ironed and hung. Listening to the neighbors next door who for the past 3 nights have had 4+ middle school aged girls over jumping on the trampoline and it's 9:30 PM, but hey, summer right?
Let's be real, being MAMA is the biggest blessing, right? But it has to slow down, r i i i i i g h t? This coming from the girl who just shot out 48 emails, heated left over rice and black beans in a bowl for 30 seconds while simultaneously holding my sweet little who is screaming at Alexa, without knowing her name, damn you Amazon… and playing with the light switch. To where I proceeded to change clothes as quickly as possible, stopped my son from wasting water; he learned to turn on the tub. Simply to hop in bed to nurse him off to sleep, stop judging me.
When I laid down my first thought was, man... my poor husband. We haven't been married for years and years so it's like I just had to hit pause on the dinner together button? I think I swallowed my dinner in about 3 bites, I look over and dad is taking bite number two. Oh... and without hovering over the bowl for longer than I should I simply rushed about to finish getting ready for part 1 of bedtime since Mason was already 35 minutes late.
I know we aren't supposed to wish moments away and trust me, I AM NOT! But, this is a little more hectic than when Rachel and Ross took care of their little babe.
I can't be the only one who wonders whatever do I do differently? Am I a bad mom for nursing for 15 months? Does removing bottles, boobies + breast milk make him a more rounded human child? Or is this just motherhood. I know it's messy, loud, fast + crazy but... what about my calm, quiet and patient husband?
What do you guys do that makes it easier to make your man number 1? What do you do that makes your nightly routine easier?
Little man just drifted off to Neverland, so this mama is going to brush her teeth + catch up on the Bachelorette!
From underneath the muslin blanket.
Sincerely, Shelbi
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