My days and nights have been filled in newborn bliss, sweet Mason gives the best cuddles, kisses and memories and I cannot get enough of them. I can't believe that a whole week has already flown by, so before I lose track of all of my days and memories I want to document this time before it fades.
I think I wrote this post 100x before he was even born, in my head that is. As for today, I sit here with my sweet little wrapped up in the best Solly Baby wrap listening to his little breaths as I think back on what was one of the best days of my life.
To start, Mason Douglas was to be born April 1, 2016... little did I know, he was fooling me. As my due date approached, my mom and I walked what seemed to be 1,000 miles (cue Terry Cruz singing 1,000 miles from White Chicks here). We ate spicy food, traveled to Canton Trades Days, went to Northpark to spend hours for nothing but the most comfy pair of dress Croc's (don't knock it until you've tried it), and counted down the days until he would make his arrival.
The Wednesday before his delivery date I went to my 41 week appointment and my doctor assured me that this little guy was in NO HURRY to make his arrival, he was ready to go but just as comfortable as can be. He had made the decision that if Mason had not come by Sunday, April 10th that we should make our way to the hospital to be induced. So my sister, who had come in town from Austin, had a nice little brunch at Breadwinners, she picked up her kids from their grandparents and then she made her way back to Austin as neither of us believed he would be coming earlier than the expected inducement date.
Fast forward to Friday night, I had continued working as long as I could so this being the Friday before I was to be induced, it was my last day. We decided to meet up with A's parents in Rockwall to enjoy a nice dinner date before we were officially a family of three. Lo and behold on our way there I began to experience contractions, not severe... but definitely stronger than any braxton hicks that I had experienced thus far. We went to dinner they got a little lighter and then as we headed home they were stronger than ever. I climbed into bed hoping that this might be it and maybe I could sleep before everything began, but before I knew it... they had stopped and I was falling fast asleep.
Sunday, Adam and I spent our day in angst knowing that this would be our last day in our home with out the newest member of our family. We showered, made sure the bags were over packed, cleaned and re-cleaned every room in the house, made a nice cinnamon roll breakfast while doing our best to relax.
We made it to the hospital around 6:05 p.m. and by 6:20 p.m. I was in the cutest hospital gown with the brightest of yellow socks, hooked up to the IV and playing hangman with Adam. I think this was the most surreal moment of them all... Adam and I had long awaited this moment, we prayed and thought about all of the ways and moments we would having leading up to his birth... but I don't think either of us were prepared for the emotions that would fill our souls as we knew that at anytime we would have a son. That we would be someones provider, their lifeline, the people he would depend on most. It was a great feeling, but it was also very overwhelming.
The night went on and my mom and sister stopped by to bring Adam dinner and me a coloring book and some word searches. The pain wasn't to bad and I was still only dilated to a 2 and they assumed it would be hours before we would even see a change. WRONG. As my mom and sister were leaving for the evening I started to feel a strong pain in my back and stomach. They had me wrapped up to the monitors pretty tight and I assumed that was what was making the pain so unbearable, but seeing as how I had never had a baby... I had no clue that these were contractions. I asked for some pain medication and shortly after I was a fruit loop. Literally falling in and out of consciousness... taking about our dogs, talking about how the doctors had absolutely no clue what they gave me because it did not stop the pain, it only made me drunk... It was a real show, you should have been there. This only lasted for about 3 hours before I requested, demanded, that I receive an epidural... and from there I got my first hour of full sleep. I was woken up to a nurse informing me that she was curious to see how the progress was going as it was about time to start evaluating whether or not I would need another round of cervidil or if they were ready to start pitocin. She checked, realized my water had broken and... I was dilated to a 10. At this point, she informed me "we are ready to have a baby" and if you could have seen me... you would have thought it was 5 degrees, I was shaking and pumped full of adrenaline. I panicked for Adam to call my mom and as he did that nurses and techs were headed in by the truck load preparing my room for delivery.
Shortly after the call my mom came rushing through the door, the midwife asked, "Is this your mother"? And before I was able to finish my "yes" she said... "PUSH!"... I pushed once, I pushed twice and there he was... In all of his glory, at 7 lbs. 1.9 oz. and 20.75 in. long... there he was. The sweetest little light haired, blue eyed baby. Tan skin, red birth marks, smelling that sweet baby smell. He was here and I was a mom. The little legs that kicked me in my side, the head that pushed down on my tailbone the last month and the sweetest hiccuping baby that I felt day in and day out, had arrived.
We spent the next couple of hours skin-to-skin, cuddling and recovering from the physical and emotional shock that we had just gone through. And though I had never had a baby of my own, I knew exactly what to do? I felt like this was all so natural and that this is something that I was supposed to do, that this is one of the reasons I was here. He belonged to me.
I was in the hospital for two days following the delivery, Mason and Adam by my side; I felt as if I were on top of the world... even if I had to call the nurse to help me up to the restroom. When the time came to bring him home, I felt a little saddened. He was here, the last time I was outside I was pregnant. He was already growing and changing and I couldn't slow down time. I had never felt more fulfilled.
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