greatest feeling in the World is realizing that you have made a good decision,
that you are right. That something you have been searching for is right in
front of you. Your thoughts are simply validated.
I can't tell you what it is about being a fiancĂ© to a man with rough hands that makes me fall in love. I also can't answer 100 questions about being engaged, though, that is one of the most asked questions that flutter my inbox and personal conversations. When's the big day! What's your couple’s style, (p.s. what exactly is a couple’s style? I am a young twenty something with medium income and mismatched fiesta plates? The only style we have is flourished on the boards on my Pinterest account), will you stay in Dallas after you're married? Are you buying or renting your first home? The questions are endless... and I think that it overwhelms A at times. I have told him this countless times, but I think that the fact that Adam thinks I am funny, is my saving grace. Remove that from the table and you're left with an over controlling, absent minded, clean freak who would eat a Cesar salad every night for dinner and never look back, strange I know.
But what I can tell you is that being engaged to a man that considers our, only hobbies to be hunting or fishing is that he knows what it means to be lighthearted, to know things take time and to know that you have to work at it to get better. All of those things are important to me when it comes to our marriage. He will also tell you, that you can never go into a hunt without your camouflage; something that until recently, I thought was an article of clothing that was used to conceal your identity. In the most part, it is but to me... it's a lot more.
As the days pass and the wedding planning takes on another life in our minds, relationship and family. We have come to see that we do not all have the same vision. Adam dreams of snow camo, camo wedding bands and showing up on a boat. Mom wants the most bang for our buck, for a 200± person wedding... and me, I want it to be intimate, a perfect combination of music and love, and I want it to be beautiful. With all of these ideas, some good... and some better, there have been a few times I thought I would pull my hair out. But then I remember the camouflage, was Adam serious? Or was he trying to push my buttons like he does the other 100x of the day.
As I started to think about how silly the idea was of a Camouflage Wedding I could not help but smile, I couldn't help but think that if this is really how Adam's mind works, it isn't the little things that he is worried about in our marriage, it's the big things. Adam is the camo that I needed to forget about the little things, to forget about the wedding venue drama, to forget about the honeymoon location we wanted to be closed the week of our wedding, to forget that this is a different wedding than what I had planned... to forget. And it's strange to me that he doesn't see how easily he does it.
I would love to say that Adam thinks that Ihung the moon, scratch
that, I must be dreaming. A, knows for a fact who hung the moon, because he
knows everything, yet he also knows that if I would have hung the moon
there would be Aztec print and chevron Paper Mache all over it, like the
trade's day deer that use to hang above the mantle in the living room, rest
his soul.
So though we have our vast differences, I was right by picking him, or maybe he picked me... I can't remember. But I can remember love and the camouflage that hangs in our closet.
I can't tell you what it is about being a fiancĂ© to a man with rough hands that makes me fall in love. I also can't answer 100 questions about being engaged, though, that is one of the most asked questions that flutter my inbox and personal conversations. When's the big day! What's your couple’s style, (p.s. what exactly is a couple’s style? I am a young twenty something with medium income and mismatched fiesta plates? The only style we have is flourished on the boards on my Pinterest account), will you stay in Dallas after you're married? Are you buying or renting your first home? The questions are endless... and I think that it overwhelms A at times. I have told him this countless times, but I think that the fact that Adam thinks I am funny, is my saving grace. Remove that from the table and you're left with an over controlling, absent minded, clean freak who would eat a Cesar salad every night for dinner and never look back, strange I know.
But what I can tell you is that being engaged to a man that considers our, only hobbies to be hunting or fishing is that he knows what it means to be lighthearted, to know things take time and to know that you have to work at it to get better. All of those things are important to me when it comes to our marriage. He will also tell you, that you can never go into a hunt without your camouflage; something that until recently, I thought was an article of clothing that was used to conceal your identity. In the most part, it is but to me... it's a lot more.
As the days pass and the wedding planning takes on another life in our minds, relationship and family. We have come to see that we do not all have the same vision. Adam dreams of snow camo, camo wedding bands and showing up on a boat. Mom wants the most bang for our buck, for a 200± person wedding... and me, I want it to be intimate, a perfect combination of music and love, and I want it to be beautiful. With all of these ideas, some good... and some better, there have been a few times I thought I would pull my hair out. But then I remember the camouflage, was Adam serious? Or was he trying to push my buttons like he does the other 100x of the day.
As I started to think about how silly the idea was of a Camouflage Wedding I could not help but smile, I couldn't help but think that if this is really how Adam's mind works, it isn't the little things that he is worried about in our marriage, it's the big things. Adam is the camo that I needed to forget about the little things, to forget about the wedding venue drama, to forget about the honeymoon location we wanted to be closed the week of our wedding, to forget that this is a different wedding than what I had planned... to forget. And it's strange to me that he doesn't see how easily he does it.
I would love to say that Adam thinks that I
So though we have our vast differences, I was right by picking him, or maybe he picked me... I can't remember. But I can remember love and the camouflage that hangs in our closet.
Sincerely, Shelbi