I don't think that it is fair for me to buy a new dress every time that I have an event to go too.
I don't think that it's okay that Adam can wear the same type of suit every time we go out and look different each time though they're the exact same brand and color either.
What I do love, is being able to find a designer dress, spending a TJ MAXX price and matching jewelry that is bound to be one of a kind and you can return it when you are done with it.
That's what Rent The Runway is all about, and I can tell you after having my first one night stand with fashion that it doesn't make since to do it any other way.
That's why I'm sharing a little secret with you, my friends at Rent The Runway thought paying it forward would be the best gift, so why not indulge in the fun!
The first 10 friends to use the code below will receive $25.00 off their first purchase of $75.00±.
Remember, this won't last long and the other half of your relationship will appreciate it.
Now if only I can convince Adam to take me out more ;)!
Sincerely, Shelbi
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