Double digits, freak out. I guess this is how all those mama's feel when their children turn ten. Its tough to think that in two whole months that Sweet Mason will be a whole year old? The party planning has begun and I can't remember what life was like before him.
Eating: So. Much. Yogurt. This child lives off of yogurt, veggies and breastmilk. But, what can I say... he will pretty much eat anything.
Sleeping: Eh... He still naps as normal, he falls to sleep usually around 8:30 PM but has oddly been up by 7:02 AM every day the past two weeks... God is that you?
Doing: He is in EVERYTHING. His favorite toy right now is probably our TV Box... it's amazing. I have no clue why we buy him toys.
Wearing: Any and all shoes at all times. He is still in the 6-9 or 9-12 (depending on the brand),
Biggest Milestone: Y'all he has teeth. 5 of them, two of which are his two front front teeth. It's so sweet and it makes every meal a little bit sweeter.
Favorite Thing About This Age: He inches his way around the walls, couches, kitchen islands... anything he can get his hands on and scoot along he does. There is something so special about thinking the same little toes that are helping him find his way around this new little world are the same toes that I saw the very first time I found out that he was in my tummy!
Current Items That I Couldn't Live Without: Ergobaby 360 + my matching Converse because... Baby + Mama Matching is the BEST!
Do you have a 10 month old? What is happening in your world, I would love to know!

Eating: So. Much. Yogurt. This child lives off of yogurt, veggies and breastmilk. But, what can I say... he will pretty much eat anything.
Sleeping: Eh... He still naps as normal, he falls to sleep usually around 8:30 PM but has oddly been up by 7:02 AM every day the past two weeks... God is that you?
Doing: He is in EVERYTHING. His favorite toy right now is probably our TV Box... it's amazing. I have no clue why we buy him toys.
Wearing: Any and all shoes at all times. He is still in the 6-9 or 9-12 (depending on the brand),
Biggest Milestone: Y'all he has teeth. 5 of them, two of which are his two front front teeth. It's so sweet and it makes every meal a little bit sweeter.
Favorite Thing About This Age: He inches his way around the walls, couches, kitchen islands... anything he can get his hands on and scoot along he does. There is something so special about thinking the same little toes that are helping him find his way around this new little world are the same toes that I saw the very first time I found out that he was in my tummy!
Current Items That I Couldn't Live Without: Ergobaby 360 + my matching Converse because... Baby + Mama Matching is the BEST!
Do you have a 10 month old? What is happening in your world, I would love to know!
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