2. Cool weather and flannels. This is something that I missed, I can't decide if it is because I look better in baggy clothes for men or if it is because it means we are getting closer to the holidays! Lord knows I love a good holiday (especially if I get to decorate)!
Editors note: Saturday, I may or may not have had a mini freak out due to the fact that it is S E P T E M B E R and it just so happened to be 62 F degrees and my wedding is in the month of O C T O B E R. Hi, cold weather streak, faux fur coats for everyone?
3. ALL OF MY LAUNDRY IS DONE, small task seeing as how I do laundry for two... but a big accomplishment when it includes: rugs, towels, clothes, every blanket in the house and pillow cases. This was a great feeling because not 10 minutes after it was completed I was able to organize and color coat the closet(s).
4. Weekly lunch prep... yes, this is something I got excited about. Maybe because it was a first that my future husband and I got to experience together! We decided to be lazy and make The Easiest 5 Step Chicken Enchiladas and we made enough to eat each day and for dinner last night. Now saying we won't pack a sandwich one day is false hope, but they won't go bad, I promise!
5. Yesterday marked the one month mark until my 24th birthday. With that being said, I have surpassed my aging chances to become the next Miss. America, what a wasted youth, kidding. But Adam was so great at pointing out that he already had a list going of things that I might want, what a keeper! But while I think I should have said, babe, you're really all I need this year, I might have said I would love one of these... or these... or the 50 other things I pinned to my wish list on Pinterest.
6. Vlogging, that's right. I'm coming up for air and I AM SO EXCITED! I don't know when my first video will launch but... I do know that I am so pumped to start creating and showing my nail techniques, hair tutorials and recipe's that I show out on here! I want to know what you want to hear about, so leave it in the comments BELOW!
Sincerely, Shelbi
Cute items! I love how you hang them on your bed! Mine never fit in my closet, because I have too many!
Ah! Megan, I have the same problem, had to break into the guest room! Hanging them on my bed while I am doing laundry is the only way that I can sort them, the struggle is real! Love everything your site has to offer hope to hear from you soon!
DeleteSincerely, Shelbi