Well, it's no surprise that I jumped on this band wagon seeing as how a few of the largest festivals in America are happening these next few weeks! And since I haven't made it to the big time yet, I am still solely listening to Coachella Live offered by YouTube! (Don't worry, I will be there next year... I am adding it to my Bucket List!) For three short days people from across the US and abroad make their way in to the middle of the desert for music, dancing and fun! Short of your beliefs, other than the season of white dresses and wedding vows, this is my favorite time of the year!
While picking out what bands to listen to, how you are going to get there and where you are going to stay are probably at the top of your priority list, I thought I would make your lives a little easier and show you what I have found most practical and wonderful to pack for the best weekend of your lives.
1. Sunnies and Sunscreen - Now yes, I know what you are probably thinking..."She posted that last week" and you're right, I did! Because there is nothing worse then having skin that makes you look years older than you really are. It would also really be a buzz kill for you to waste your hard earned money in the first two hours of the festival because what, you wanted a good tan? Wrong, allow yourself to get some color with a lighter SPF while still protecting your beautiful skin!
2. Comfortable Shoes... and Then A Second Pair - Two pairs, if it rains you will be happy you listened to me! If not, a girl can never pack to many shoes!
3. Graphic Tee's - They are light weight and cute and without even realizing it you can be sassy and beautifully dressed at the same time.
4. Flower Crowns - ...Duh? But for real, this trend really speaks for itself and Lauren Conrad has posted a great how to and I promise, you won't want to do anything but make and sell these beauties! Check it out!
5. Backpack Purse - Not only is it crucial to distribute the weight evenly across your body, but it allows for you not to set it down and forget it, it's large enough to hold multiple things and... I may or may not be trying to bring this trend back!
6. Floral Shorts - Scratch that... Floral Everything this is one of my favorite trends right now, it has such a 90's feel and you can't go wrong with a great floral outfit!
7. Sundresses - The best thing about a dress is it's easy use! It's an awesome outfit all in one piece, it is also light weight and very functional!
8. Water Bottle - I can not say this enough, other than cash, this is the best thing you could bring. Sure,
standing in line for water is nice and all, I know you love missing your favorite band that you heard once on the radio, but to insure you won't miss them, bring one in (as long as it is not metal)! The best part is happens to be that it only cost $2.00 inside the festival to fill it up and there are filling stations everywhere!
9. The insert your festival name here App - They all have them, and they are the best thing ever! Showing you places, line-up's and festival information and activities that you don't want to miss out on!
10. The Poncho - It is lighter than the umbrella and more accessible! It will even fit in the Backpack Purse you should bring (see above).
Are you going to a festival this year? If so, let me know what you would bring!
Sincerely, Shelbi
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